Monday, February 4, 2008

Sun Ra Arkestra - Retrospect (1990)

I couldn't leave this one out. He says some cool stuff in the interview. He also rocks the DX7.

Sun Ra Arkestra - Face the Music (1990)

another good one!

Sun Ra - Space is the place (1974)

Yes this is amazing! I'm speechless!

Sun Ra

WTF!? Wild! The behind the back fingering at the end is truly funky!

Monday, January 28, 2008

midnight mushrooms

So I asked Colonel Mars what he knew about Shakespeare and mushrooms. He found this passage where Shakespeare describes hunting for mushrooms, and the energy they give him. Shakespeare also explains that he uses the mushroom to find his place in the world.
I believe this is a passage from Hamlet.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sola Akingbola new album Routes to Roots!

This is Yoruba drum music from Nigeria. Sola Akingbola is the percussionist for Jamiroquai.
I got this album the other day, and have listened to it non-stop. the energy and spirit is amazing!
$9.99 on itunes.

Friday, January 11, 2008

New Jamie Lidell for 2008!!

I guess this is Beck's band, hopefully Beck is dead.
Go Jamie!