Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Getting Hands on with the Lemur at SLUG

here are pictures from the last Seattle Live Users Group meeting with Ari Zucker giving a demo of the Dexter and Lemur. I was on hand to give some assistance with the Lemur. for more info on the Lemur and Dexter go to

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Three Online Movies I'm Psyched On!

Here are three movies I watched over the weekend while resting my foot.
I'm stoked to see the way information is being spread here in the year 2007.
Be sure to watch these ASAP. Peace.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Aliens are Everywhere Here's My Proof

Watch this video of an Octopus remaining invisible and then being startled white. The ability to blend into the background is exceptional. I put forth the theory that aliens would utilize a similar ability to remain unseen in our world. Here's the video.

What do you think?

Squid Gel is New Surgical Bandaid!

Looks like Squids are going to be saving us one way or another. check out the news on this gel made from a squid extract. Do the squids get harmed in the process is my question?

Click here for the link to the article

Adopt A Squid! Help Save Lives!

Apparently Seattle is fascinated by the Giant Squid.

I noticed in the Seattle Weekly an event taking place this month about Squids.

It also led me to this wonderful work by the talented artist Cassandra Nguyen.

I would like to purchase her work, and am asking for donations to help do so.

Click here to go to the site.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Lovefest was Lovely:), but now I'm Lovesick:(

here's more pics!

I went to Lovefest in SF for the first time. it was cool. I took some pictures.
I'll post more later.
I've been gettin no sleep.
I'm so lovesick...